In 1903, Msgr. Filemón Fierro, Bishop of Tamaulipas, made a request to the Monastery of Brownsville, Texas, asking for some Sisters for a foundation in Tula, Tamaulipas. The Sisters sent to form this new Community were: M. Vincent Helena O’Herlihy, M. Mary of the Sacred Heart Hord, and Sister Teresa O’Keefe. Once in Matamoros, M. Vincent Helena O’Herlihy was named Superior. These were difficult times. Shortly after being in Tamaulipas, Bishop Fierro died, and the Sisters could not support themselves. Therefore, they asked the Apostolic Delegate in México, Msgr. Joseph Ridolfi, and the Archbishop of Durango, Msgr. Santiago Subiría, to move to Gómez Palacio, Durango.
Before being established in Gómez Palacio, M. Vincent made a trip to Ireland, and on her return brought with her six new vocations. Once in Gómez Palacio, Mr. Gilberto Lavin and his wife took the Sisters to choose land for their future school; and on March 7, 1906 they donated an estate equivalent to five blocks of land, located at the foot of the Trincheras Mountain. On March 25th of the same year, they placed the cornerstone for the new Monastery. While construction was going on, the Sisters leased a house on Hidalgo Street, where they began classes on May 1st, but they did not stay too long in this house. By July 15th, the Community and the students were able to move to their new building, being highly acceptable, not only by the students of the region, but even by families from different parts of México. In 1907 a new group of Postulants arrived from Ireland, among whom was Miss Scully, who was later named Superior.
In 1910 the Mexican Revolution was about to explode, bringing with it very great problems and much suffering. By 1914, the Community decided to leave the Country, moving towards the United States. Fist they arrived in Arkansas; later on they moved to Cuba, where they established several schools in: Cienfuegos, Cruces, Esperanza, Lajas, and Trinidad. In spite of this successful stay in Cuba, Mother Vincent wished to return to México; and so, in 1919, she sent M. Mary of the Sacred Heart Hord to establish a place in México City to teach children and youth. On February 2, 1921, Mother Vincent died in Cuba, and was succeeded by M. Mary of the Sacred Heart Hord, who returned to México with the rest of the Sisters, to establish themselves definitively in Gómez Palacio.
They found their Convent looted and destroyed by the revolutionaries and in the process of being confiscated. They were able to save it and reconstruct it.
But their troubles were not over. From 1926 and on, they suffered religious persecution, and their school was closed. The Sisters continued teaching in the houses of Catholic families. At this time a group named Association of Veronicas of the Incarnate Word was formed, to give them help and support. They visited the sick, baptized infants, prepared children for First Communion, and also engaged themselves in sewing clothes for the “Cristeros” (many of whom died as martyrs for Christ the King). In 1932, the school reopened with a new name: Colegio Villa de Matel, Incorporado. In 1937 the persecution continued with sacrilegious acts against the Chapel, the confiscation of religious images, and destruction of the building. But, through the intercession of V.M. Jeanne Chézard de Matel, a lawsuit was won. A period of relative peace and tranquility followed.
In 1948, M. Mary of the Sacred Heart Hord died. M. Mary Columbanus Scully was named to take her place as Superior, and she promoted growth for our Community. At the time of her death in 1957, M. Juana de Matel Astorga was elected Superior.
The Community continued to grow. In 1981, the Community of Tepehuanes , Dgo.was founded. In 1982, the Lay Apostles, or Associates of the Incarnate Word, were formed. In 1985, the Community of Yahualica, Jal was opened. In 1993 the School, Jeanne Chézard de Matel, opened in El Salto, Dgo. And in 2002 Sisters took responsibility for the House of Chalchihuites, Zac. In 2006 the Community gave thanks to God, as they celebrated the Centenary of Villa de Matel.
In the year 1903, France suffered anew, a persecution against religious congregations. The house of Belmont was one of the first ones to be attacked. Three Religious, Mother Marie Claire de Jésus Dubois, Mother Marie de Gonzaga Poullet, and Mother Marie de Jésus Chassagne, requested permission to continue living their religious life in one of the houses of the Incarnate Word, already existing in America. They arrived in San Antonio, Texas, where the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word offered them accommodations. Later on, Mother Claire de Jésus Dubois was assigned to the house of Corpus Christi. Mother Stanislaus accepted the invitation to take responsibility for a school in the city of Guadalajara and assigned Mother Claire de Jésus Dubois, Mother Marie de Gonzaga Poullet and Mother Marie de Jésus Chassagne for that mission.
The Sisters arrived in Guadalajara on December 9, 1903. Mother Claire de Jésus Dubois was named the Superior. The small Community received canonical approval on January 15, 1905, and gave thanks to Divine Providence who has always been admirable in all His works, and in a special way, in the foundation of this Community.
The House of Guadalajara made its first foundation in Tepic, Nayarit, in 1908, and M. Marie de Gonzaga Poullet was named Superior. Soon after, the Community opened a school. The School of the Incarnate Word, as well as the Community, enjoyed a great acceptance, calling it the Oasis Jaliciense of the Incarnate Word. In 1912, the House of Guadalajara received another request for a second foundation, this time in Mascota, Jalisco. Mother María Teresa Cruz de la Trinidad, and three Sisters, went joyfully to fulfill the mission the Incarnate Word was asking of them.
In 1914, when the Religious persecution began in México, the Convents and schools were closed and confiscated, and the Sisters could not wear habits. They were dispersed, and some went to their families; but seven Sisters remained in the Convent. The Sisters looked for security outside of México. In November, 1915, M. María of the Child Jesus requested permission to open a Convent of the Incarnate Word in Cuba.
On September 18, 1918, Mother Claire de Jésus Dubois died at the age of 55. The Community lost a very tender and dear mother, who left examples of a virtuous life. After blessing the Community, she promised that she would not abandon them, but would continue praying from Heaven for her beloved France, and for México, her second country. No one found herself worthy of taking the position left by Mother “Clarita.” On March 29, 1919, after prayer and consultation, the elections for the new Superior took place. The result was that Mother María de Jesús Hernåndez, the first Mexican, was elected superior.
The religious persecution continued; and in 1925 the Community was dispersed again. In 1928 the Sisters suffered a search of their Convent, and the Superior, María de Jesús Hernåndez, and six other Sisters were taken by the police. They spent five days in prison, suffering painful works and humiliations. But they were consoled by God, Who never abandons us, in the person of Father Ramiro Camacho who, disguised, would take the Holy Eucharist to them, and the Sisters would spend some time in adoration before each one took the Host in Communion.
In 1935, when General Låzaro Cårdenas was elected President of México, religious persecution was intensified. He ordered that socialist teachings be imposed on all private schools, and that churches and convents be confiscated.
In 1936, the Sisters received the great news that the Cause for the Beatification of Venerable Mother Foundress, Jeanne Chézard de Matel, had been introduced in Rome. And in November of the same year, they received the translation of the life of their Venerable Mother into Spanish, made by Father Félix de Jésus Rougier, a Missionary of the Holy Spirit.
By 1941, the political situation began to change a little, and the community enjoyed a time of relative peace. Some aspirants join the community, and students came to the School.
In 1948, the Mothers from Lyon, France, requested three Sisters from the Community to open a house in Madrid, Spain. The Community of Guadalajara, which had always respected the Community of Lyon, could not refuse such a petition; and in spite of the painful separation, and the precarious economic situation of the Community, it was decided to send Sisters María Angela Ledesma, María de la Paz Jiménez, and María del Carmen de Alba, who left for Spain on July 27, 1949. These Mothers taught the community to share from their poverty.
By this time, the Community was in very difficult financial situation and in need of finding an adequate place for the school and the convent. In view of this, the Sisters courageously went out to look for benefactors, wherever the Spirit guided them to go. And in 1950, the Incarnate Word answered their prayer and efforts, granting them a new house in Chapalita, where the Motherhouse is located today.
On July 26, 1955, the Order of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament became officially constituted as a Congregation, with the other houses of Lyon, France, Spain, Guadalajara, and Querétaro. The Superior General was Mother Hermenegilda de Armendåiz Garcia from the Monastery of Lyon, France.
At the time of the death of Mother Hermenegilda in June of 1958, Mother Marie de la Encarnación Metz was elected Superior General for six years, and was reelected at the end of the six-year term.
In 1968, the “Celanese,” a business from Ocotlån, Jalisco, requested Sisters to staff a school, a request which they responded to positively.
After Vatican Council II, the Bishops invited all Religious Communities to an authentic renewal of religious life. The Community received the help of Rev. Father Ignacio Gómez Ward, S.D.B. who suggested that they begin this renewal by updating the Constitutions according to the directives of Vatican Council II.
In 1969 another foundation took place in Cajititlån, Jalisco.
On September 15, 1970, the Holy See gave the approval for the Community of Guadalajara to form a new Generalate, with the following houses: Guadalajara, Querétaro, Cajititlån and Ocotlån; with Guadalajara being the Generalete, and keeping the same name and apostolic activity. Conscious of this great gift, they felt the responsibility to move on as a Congregation, and as heiresses of the seed of the Order planted by their French Mothers during the previous seventy-five years. The First General Chapter was called, with Mother María de la Paz Jiménez Campos elected as Superior General.
The community continued to grow and accepted invitations to staff many new schools and ministries, including:
The Incarnate Word, in His infinite kindness, chose to call Jeanne Chézard de Matel, to begin an Order in which He would be adored in Spirit and in Truth. In view of this call, she answered: “I give myself and return to You through duty, and by love, all you have given me by charity and mercy. I abandon and surrender myself blindly in the paternal bosom of your divine providence.” With this disposition of abandonment, Jeanne prepared herself to begin on July 2, 1625, in Roanne, France, this ORDER OF THE INCARNATE WORD.
After having founded many Monasteries, and having lived many historical events in France, at the request of Rev. Fr. P. John Odin, the Order directed its path to America on March 23, 1852 to the city of Brownsville, Texas. Four Sisters, arrived from the Monastery of Lyon, France, and were the first to begin the Order on this continent, where a shoot would sprout and, as in the Parable of the “Mustard Seed,” with the care and work of the laborers, would become a big and leafy tree to give shelter to many communities and Sisters who have preceded us, and that will continue sheltering the young that the Incarnate Word wishes to call to His Order.
Madre Stanislas de Dieu
Once formed and established, the Community of Brownsville began to extend its branches into the Mexican Republic. In 1894, the Superior of the Community was M. Stanislas Dedieu, a French Sister who had come from the Monastery of Belmont and was God’s instrument to show the fruitfulness of this Community, since she sent numerous Sisters to open houses in México and in Texas. She received a request from Msgr. Perfecto Amézquita y Gutiérrez for a Convent in México. Mother Stanislas and her Counselors decided to accept the request, and prepared four Sisters for that mission: Mother Inés García Martínez, (Mexican), as Superior; and the Sisters Benedicta Mallet and Martha Melania Williams (Texans and choir sisters); and lay Sister Irene Toussillon (French). These Sisters arrived in San Juan Bautista, Tabasco, México, August 16, 1894, to begin this important mission in Mexican territory. Six months later two more Sisters arrived: M. Teresa Solís and M. Ma. Concepción Solís Velásco, newly professed.
Other foundations that followed in México were: Puebla, Puebla (1896); Querétaro (1902); and San Juan Teotihuacan, Hidalgo.
On July 20, 1910, due to unhealthy situations in Tabasco, and at the request of Bishop Francisco Campos y Angeles, who had been transferred from Tabasco to Chilapa, Gro., the Community of Religious of the Incarnate Word moved to Chilapa. The trip was made in two groups, the second one arriving on January 25, 1911. The Community was formed by thirteen professed Sisters; one novice, Inés Méndez from Guadalajara; and one Postulant from México City.
After some years of a “golden age” for the State of Guerrero, the Mexican Revolution erupted, but diverted from political interests to religious persecution. Many Bishops, Priests and Religious were expelled from the country, and our French Sisters were among them.
On July 2, 1923, M. Ma. Concepción Solís and M. Ma. Rosa Ortega left Chilapa for México City, to receive a school that had been offered there; but, in God’s plans, that was not to be. After listening to all the pros and cons in regard to the idea of making a foundation in México City, Bishop Miguel M. de la Mora told her, instead: “Mother, go to Matehuala, there is where the Lord wants you. It is already some time since I have been asked to staff a school with Religious there.” Therefore, the Sisters left for Matehuala. The people were very happy to receive them, and they were very well cared for. M. Solís wrote to Msgr. Miguel M. de la Mora to report the pleasant experience, and at the same time she requested his opinion in regard to going back to Chilapa to bring the rest of the Sisters. The Bishop answered through a telegram: “Forget about traveling and call the Sisters.” With this response, Mother sent a message to the Sisters who had been chosen for the foundation of México City, to leave for Matehuala instead.
In 1926, M. Ma. Concepción Solís went to México City, to take a Sister there who was seriously ill. During her stay in México City, she had the opportunity talk with a Priest, a Missionary of the Holy Spirit, who suggested the idea and the convenience of opening a school in the Capital. Believing it was God’s will, she communicated the idea to the Community, and asked the Sisters to pray to the Holy Spirit for light to know God’s will. In 1927, M. Ma. Soledad Camacho, was called to go to México City to begin the new foundation, together with other Sisters. It was agreed to open the school in the “Colonia Roma.” Classes began February 3, 1927 and for about three months there were only eight students. But this reason alone did not stop the Sisters from working enthusiastically and with determination. And thus, their sacrifices bore fruit. By the end of the school year there were eighty students.
As in another Bethlehem, the Incarnate Word renewed His Birth in this humble house, poor and simple, in Chihuahua Street # 56, of “Colonia Roma,” that, as the mustard seed, would be transformed, later on, into a leafy tree.
During the visits that M. Ma. Concepción Solis made to Brownsville, and in communication with M. Stanislaus, the idea of forming a Generalate was reinforced in the mind and heart of M. Solís. She took advantage of the time she was in the City of México to write to the other foundations of the Order to propose the idea of a Generalate. She received a negative response.
Without giving up hope, M. Ma. Concepción Solís proceeded with plans to establish the Generalate. She met with still more opposition. Bishop Francisco Campos y Angeles, wanted to establish a Generalate in his own Diocese of Chilapa, and to make the Convent of that city the Generalate, but was not willing to accept that the Communities in his Diocese would become part of another Generalate.
When M. Ma. Concepción Solís was named Superior of the Community of Puebla in 1918, she submitted her idea to form a Generalate to the Chapter Vicar, Msgr. Enrique Sánchez Paredes, who was favorable to the project. Counting on his support, M. Solís got in touch with the Superiors of the Order in the Republic of México to propose anew her idea. This time her proposal was not only rejected, but she had to suffer harsh criticism and humiliations.
In 1925, a circular letter from the Community of Victoria, Texas was received, requesting the presence of the Superiors of the Order to treat issues related to the same. M. Ma. Concepción Solís attended the reunion in which the idea of a Generalate was discussed, but not finding the proposals made there feasable for México, she gave up for the moment.
During her stay in Matehuala, she could continue working on the idea that was pressing her. There, she counted not only on the authorization of Bishop Miguel M. de la Mora, but he also had offered to take the petition to the Holy See himself.
After concluding the foundation of México City, M. Ma. Concepción Solis was named Superior of that Community. There, she resumed the formal plans for the Generalate, having successful results.
The houses of Chilapa, Matehuala and México City had always been united, in the desire to form a Generalate. In order to make it a reality, M. Ma. Concepción Solís, sent a document to the three houses, so that the Sisters could give their free consent to the proposal to form the Generalate.
The petition was sent to Rome in January of 1929, accompanied by letters from the Bishops of Chilapa, Matehuala, and México City. From that day forward, prayers were continuously said for the success of the petition.
M. Ma. Concepción Solís
Being in the midst of revolution, the Sisters were going to suffer many aggressions. On February 13, 1929 (Ash Wednesday), five Government Officials entered the School unexpectedly and took positions in strategic places of the School. They began to remove medals and crucifixes from the necks of the students. One took possession of the telephone and another of the superintendent’s office. This one received the day’s mail, and it was among these letters that a very important document from Rome had arrived. This aggression lasted six long hours. Fortunately, the document was left among some papers, as something without importance and the Sisters could save it.
Once the storm calmed down, and the school was reorganized, M. Ma. Concepción Solís let the Communities know that Rome had granted permission for the Generalate, and asked them to elect two Sisters by Community as Delegates to attend the FIRST GENERAL CHAPTER, that was to take place April 17, 1929.
The first request came from Mother Ma. Guadalupe Beltrán, superior from the Community of Matamoros, Tamaulipas. She arrived in México City on July 18, 1929.
Shortly after, the Community of Matamoros, Tamaulipas requested to merge with the Generalate, receiving its decree from Rome on March 9, 1930. For reasons hard to explain, this Community did not continue in the Generalate, and on July 8, 1931 it became again an independent Community.
On February 3, 1930, M. Gertrudis Torres, from the Monastery of Puebla, which at that time belonged to the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, was admitted into the Generalate.
On March 7, 1930, Sisters Loreto Centeno and Ma. Del Rosario Villaverde arrived from the Community of Querétaro.
In the month of June, the request was received from Sister Ma. Del Sagrado Corazón Ruiloba from the Community of Brownsville, Texas to be admitted into the Generalate.
Later, Sister Concepción Barrera, from the Community of Corpus Christi, was admitted, together with Sisters Ma. Guadalupe Araiza and Asunción Robledo, who had remained in San Antonio, Texas, since the persecution in México.
In March of 1934, the Community of Ixtlán del Río, Nayarit, was accepted. Two years later, this Community moved to Mazatlán, Sinaloa, and later on to Sayula, Jalisco, where there is still a Community.
M. Encarnación Palos requested the merger of the Community of Rosario de Santa Fe, Argentina in 1936.
Sister Bernard Meehan, from the Community of Corpus Christi, Texas, requested permission from Rome, to join the Generalate. But in 1938, wishing to found a Community in Ireland, requested her separation.
Mother Juana González, superior of the Community of Encrucijada, Cuba, requested the merger of that Community, which was accepted in 1944.
In July 1950, Sister Rosa Ma. Martínez, from an independent house in México City, became part of the Generalate.
The independent houses of Taxco and Buenavista de Cuellar requested incorporation into the Generalate, and were officially admitted on September 24, 1960 when the document from Rome was executed.
The Sisters from the Community of Tlapacoyan, Veracruz, requested to merge with the Generalate. This took place in their Chapel, with the Apostolic Delegate, Msgr. Luigi Raimondi present, as well as the Bishop of Papantla who read the decree from the Sacred Congregation, on October 16, 1961.
In 1962, the merger of the Community of Ometepec, Guerrero took place. Bishop José del Pilar Quezada presided at the ceremony of the reading of the decree of merger.
Mother Marie de L’Encarnation Metz, superior of the Lyons Generalate in France, and M. Ma. Angela Ledesma Martín, with vision towards the future and a desire to respond to the call of the Church, requested the merger of their Generalate to the Generalate in México City. The Decree from Rome was received on October 7, 1970; and was executed in the Convent Chapel in Lyon by the Archbishop Cardenal Renard. With this event, we can say that the treasures of the writings and objects that belonged to Venerable Jeanne Chézard de Matel were opened, not only for the Congregation of México City, but also for the whole Order.
More Sisters, some still living, have come from different Generalates or independent houses of the Order, which, according to God’s Will has continued to grow.
At present the Congregation has fifty-eight Communities, in ten countries, on three continents.
Presently, there are 435 members in the Congregation, including: 360 Perpetually Professed Sisters; 37 Sisters in Temporary Vows; 22 Novices; and 16 Postulants.
“I contemplate with delight the houses of my Order, where I will be worshipped in spirit and in truth.” We ask that this desire of the Incarnate Word be a reality in the whole Order.
The history of the Mixcoac community began when the Pastor of Mascota, Jalisco, Father José Ramírez, requested a foundation for that city. With the approval of the Bishop of Tepic, Nayarit, His excellence Andrés Segura, and the consent of the Chapter Vicar, Msgr. Antonio Gordillo, he visited the convent of the Religious of the Incarnate Word in Guadalajara, where Mother Marie Claire of Jesus Dubois was the Superior.
In fulfillment of the promise made by the Incarnate Word to Mother de Matel, that His Order would be extended throughout all the world, and seeing in this foundation the fulfillment of this prophecy, the Superior called for a meeting to choose the Sisters who would go to this new foundation. Father José Ramírez presided over the election as a Delegate of Bishop Andrés Segura y Domínguez.
On Thursday, August 29, 1912, this group of Sisters began their long journey towards MASCOTA, JAL, accompanied by their Superior, M. Marie Claire of Jesús. They first arrived in America; from here the group continued on horse-back, through a very difficult, mountainous road, and after two days they arrived in Mascota, their “LITTLE BETHLEHEM” where they were very well welcomed by the people of the town. The house had signs of real poverty. On Sunday, September 1, 1912, Father José Ramírez blessed the house and the cloister was established.
Father José María Robles Hurtado (martyr for the faith), and Mr. Juán Robles Guzman, uncle and brother respectively of one of the Congregations first Mothers, took responsibility for providing what was needed to begin the community’s apostolate, which began on October 8th of the same year. The Robles Guzmán family supplied provisions and fabrics, since they were owners of a great warehouse.
In December of that same year, 1912, Bishop Andrés Segura sent from Rome the DECREES OF FOUNDATION, expressing his satisfaction with the new religious community. Later on, he made the first canonical visit and celebrated Mass; and the Professed Sisters renewed their vows. Besides, he offered some financial help to meet the needs of the Community. The Sisters thanked the Incarnate Word for for so many favors.
As gold is purified in the melting pot and iron is forged on the anvil of the blacksmith, in the same manner the Incarnate Word wished to test the love and fidelity of the ones who would be the columns of the Community of Mixcoac, D. F.
On July 28, 1914, the revolutionaries entered the school to use it as headquarters for their sacrilegious activities. For that reason the sisters were forced to look for refuge among the families who were willing to offer them shelter, risking even their own security. This Revolution brought about the closing of many convents, causing the exodus of many young Sisters to their families or to migrate to places far from the revolution.
Another test that the Incarnate Word wanted to prove the love of his daughters was the death of their beloved Bishop, Andrés Segura y Domínguez, a great protector of the Community. His death took place on August 13, 1918.
On September 18th of the same year, 1918, in the México City, D.F., after a life full of sacrifice and virtue, the soul of Mother Marie Claire de Jesus Dubois was delivered to her Creator. She was buried in the French Cemetery of La Piedad. Years later, her remains were exhumed and taken to the Generalate of Chapalita, Jalisco where they remain today.
As a result of the Revolution and Religious Persecution, no community was allowed to receive new candidates nor celebrate any religious ceremony. This situation motivated the Superior, Mother Teresa Cruz, to request from the new Bishop of Tepic, Nayarit, Msgr. Manuel Aspeitia y Palomar, permission to move the community to a city without so much repression.
Once receiving the permission requested, and after eight years of permanence in that dear city of Mascota, the Sisters began their pilgrimage through different states of México. After two days of an arduous journey, they reached Guadalajara. From there, they continued to San Andres Tuxtla, Veracruz, where Bishop Plascencio received the sisters gladly, and urged them to remain in a house he had already prepared. Due to different circumstances, their stay in that place did not last very long.
They continued their pilgrimage, now to the city of Puebla, where His Excellence, Bishop Enrique Sánchez, suggested that the Community go to Teziutlán where they would be able to open a school. The Superior remained in Puebla with the Novices, so that the Novices could prepare themselves to make their Religious Profession; which they celebrated in the Convent of the “Religious of the Cross,” on May 22, 1921. The Godmother of these happy professed was Señora Concepción Cabrera de Armida. The following day, with the Bishop’s blessing, they left for Teziutlán to join our Sisters who were waiting for them with open arms.
In 1926, Religious Persecution broke out anew and the school was closed; this forced the Sisters to take refuge in private homes.
The Archbishop of Puebla, Msgr. Pedro Vera, seeing that it was impossible for them to return to reopen the school, asked the Sisters to transfer to Puebla, where they suffered inconveniences and poverty. In order to support themselves they decided to sell relics and cookies.
In 1930, during the time that the Community was in Teziutlán, the Sisters had the opportunity to meet Msgr. Agustín de la Cueva, who insisted that the Community should move to México City. He himself, took the necessary steps to obtain the permission from both Bishops: Msgr. Pedro Vera y Zuria of Puebla and Msgr. Pascual Díaz of México City. He also looked for a house where the Sisters could live; and found one on the corner of Yucatán and Zacatecas Streets, in the Colonia Roma. He also found the necessary furniture to open a school immediately, and to arrange all the necessary papers for the incorporation of the school into the SEP, the Public Office of the Secretary of Education. The school was named “Colegio Roma.” Thanks to the good will and effort of these good people, the school grew rapidly and the Community was able to save enough money to buy the land where it stands today.
On August 28, 1912, the community of Guadalajara agreed to found a new community in Mascota, Jalisco. Sister María Teresa Cruz was chosen as Superior. She was joined by two professed Sisters, two novices and two candidates. Several weeks later, they opened a school. Soon they received postulants.
During the Mexican Revolution, the school was sometimes confiscated by the civil authorities. At times, the Sisters had to hide from the fury of the revolutionaries. According to the direction of Bishop Segura, they moved to Tlapa for three years. There they lived more peacefully.
On October 12, 1920, the community left Mascota, and by way of Veracruz, settled in Teziutlán, Puebla, where they soon opened a school. During the religious persecution of 1926, their school was closed, and they had to live in private homes. Because of this, they were separated for a time. In 1928 they were able to open a school for the poor in Puebla.
In January, 1949, with the help of Mother María del Consuelo, the Sisters in Teziutlán received canonical approval of their foundation.