Sister Jacinta Benavidez came from Texas to Ohio in response to a call from God to journey in faith and trust. Again, she was being called to leave all behind – family, friends, and birthplace – to follow where God was calling. In May 2012, Sister Jacinta answered that call by professing perpetual vows with the Sisters of the Incarnate Word of Cleveland, Ohio, to which she says, “Praised be the Incarnate Word.” “All is gift,” says Sister Jacinta, “and what is gift is to be shared and given to others as gift in the name of LOVE.”
Sister Jacinta has taught Spanish in kindergarten and first grade at Incarnate Word Academy, and has served as Director of the IWA Extended Day program. Sister Jacinta is currently working in health care ministry for the Ursuline Sisters and is a Councilor on the Leadership team.
“The song in my heart is the song of Mary: My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord. And my spirit exalts in God, my Savior. For God has looked with mercy on my lowliness, and His name will be forever exalted. For the mighty God has done great things for me, and His mercy will reach from age to age, and Holy is His name…”
~ Sister Jacinta Benavidez
Sister Elizabeth Cooper was born in Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland. She joined our community in 1960 and made her first vows in 1965. She currently serves as a monitor for the Extended Day program at Incarnate Word Academy. She also assists at the Parma Heights Food Pantry. Her former ministries include teacher, assistant principal, treasurer, PSR teacher, tutor, and volunteer for the Camp for the Blind.
“I came from Ireland…to devote my life to prayer and a teaching career. It has been a beautiful journey of continuous growth in my faith and love of God…a life-long process of being formed and reformed in Jesus, the Word of God. I am nurtured daily through my commitment to Mass and prayer to extend His Incarnation and make His presence known to all those with whom I come in contact.”
~Sister Elizabeth Cooper
Sister Catherine Fitzgerald responded to God’s call to religious life in 1949, when she left her home in County Limerick, Ireland. She made her first vows in 1952 and final vows in 1956. Sister Francis Xavier was her formation director. She reminded her of Saint Theresa who said, “There is but one road that reaches God and that is prayer. If anyone shows you another, you are being deceived.”
Raised by her parents in a faith-filled atmosphere, she was preceded by her two sisters into the community. She attributes these elements as an influencing factor in following her vocational call to Cleveland as a Sister of the Incarnate Word. Sister Catherine’s ministries have included teaching at many parish elementary schools, P.S.R. instructor, elementary tutor, and Eucharistic Minister to the local hospital and home-bound.
After retirement from teaching, Sr. Catherine assumed the position of Altar Server Instructor and Liturgy Preparation Assistance, as needed. Today her ministry continues through her prayer life, and phone contact and personal visits to the sick.
“Sister would like to be remembered by the Beatitude, Blest are they who hunger and thirst for holiness, they shall be satisfied.”
~Sister Catherine Fitzgerald
Sister Eileen Fitzgerald, biological sister of Sisters Catherine and Jerome, and a native of County Limerick, Ireland, joined our community in 1948, made first vows in 1951 and final vows in August 1954. She was a classroom teacher and has been involved in educational administration, taught PSR classes, and tutored, and has served as Councilor on our Congregation’s Leadership Team for three terms. After retiring as principal in 2006, she became Incarnate Word Academy’s Director of Development. A position she held until 2011.
Sr. Eileen’s ministry continues through her prayer life and visiting and caring for the elderly and home-bound. She finds much joy in spending time with colleagues, associates and friends. She believes her ministry should be a source of love, peace, joy, compassion and the mercy of the Lord.
“I felt called to religious life at a very young age. I remember asking my mother, ‘When are you going to let me go away and be a nun?’ I always felt that religious life was the path God had chosen for me. Prayer was always an important part of the early years in my home. Praying the rosary daily together was a family practice. Growing up in Doon, County Limerick, with my parents and five siblings, I enjoyed a childhood typical of that day – living and working off the land. I loved the animals and the simple life. I feel I must make an effort to live the Beatitudes in my daily life, and that my life should be a life of service in whatever way I can serve.”
~Sr. Eileen Fitzgerald
A native of Philadelphia, Sister Betty Ann had six siblings, including a brother, a set of triplets and a set of twins. She is one of the triplets. Over the years she has opened her heart and made room for Jesus who she experiences dwelling deeply within her soul.
Sister Betty Ann joined our community in August 1964, and made first profession of vows in 1967. Her profession of perpetual vows followed in August 1971. Her ministries have included teaching kindergarten and first grade, and working as a nurse’s assistant in our community infirmary. For fifteen years she volunteered at Southwest General Hospital in Stphen Ministry and Hospice. Presently, she works in the Attendance Office at Incarnate Word Academy, a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of the Incarnate Word. She enjoys creating beautiful images, drawing, and writing reflections in a daily journal. She also enjoys creating items with colored yarn.
“Being a Sister has been a life-long mystery and one which unfolds daily, for I dance to my own rhythm as I journey with Jesus. My ways are pleasing and my paths are great. I embrace all with courage and strength. Along this path I have discovered wisdom, and given understanding, and nothing holds me back. I have embraced the heart of Jesus as Jesus embraces my heart, and some day I shall rise to sing the music of my soul in glory with the one I so deeply love.”
~ Sister Betty Ann Macatee
A native of Limerick, Ireland, Sister Margaret Mary McAuliffe joined our community on October 17, 1963, and made first vows in1966. Perpetual vows followed on August 9th, 1969. Sister Margaret Mary has taught at Incarnate Word Academy, St. Patrick, West Park, and at St. Thomas More, and served as principal at St. Bartholomew. She was nominated and awarded the Who’s Who Among American Teachers three times. Within the community, she has served as Local Coordinator and as Congregational Treasurer.
Currently she ministers at Holy Family Home and Hospice as Pastoral Coordinator of the Spiritual Program and supervisor of the Bereavement Program. She ministers to the terminally ill as they celebrate living the end of their lives with peace, compassion, and love. In 2007, Bishop Lennon presented the 7th Annual St. Elizabeth of Hungary Employee Award to Sister Margaret Mary for the compassion and care she gives to those who are terminally ill at Holy Family Home and Hospice.
“My favorite Beatitude is, blessed are the poor in spirit, the kingdom of God is theirs. How often I am reminded of this as I make my pastoral visits at Holy Family Home and Hospice. I am privileged to work in the “waiting room” of God’s Kingdom. Even though it is most rewarding, my work is very challenging. Centering my life in Jesus in prayer at the crack of each new dawn provides me the courage and strength that is necessary.
One of my favorite quotes is by Stephen Grellet: ‘I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good thing, therefore, I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow being, let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.’
~ Sister Margaret Mary McAuliffe
A native of Cleveland, Sister Mary Ellen Ryan came to the Sisters in 1948 and made first vows in 1951. She has served as an elementary school teacher, principal, and in the Diocesan Education Office, as well as Councilor and Congregational Leader. She also worked in initial formation and as Director of the Associates of the Incarnate Word for 18 years. While in these positions, she has assisted in the Community Archives for many years. Currently residing at the Sisters of the Incarnate Word, she is doing everyday odds and ends, helping out as needed.
“The grace of my vocation led me to this community. The spiritual foundation in Scripture and liturgy provides the daily challenge to live my vocation.”
~ Sister Mary Ellen Ryan
Kilsarcon, Currow, Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland native, Sister Elizabeth Ann Sheahan, is the youngest of six children. She joined us in 1961 and made first vows in 1965. Her perpetual profession of vows followed in August 1968. She has been a teacher and principal, as well as a volunteer for PSR, provided assistance to the mentally disabled, shut-ins and the Camp for the Blind. She served as Councilor on the Leadership Team for two terms.
Sister Elizabeth Ann retired from 50 years of full-time ministry in education at th end of the 2015 school year. Today, she works part time at Incarnate Word Academy, and also visits some of the area nursing homes.
“A desire to grow closer to God through prayer and service to Him inspired me to become a Sister. Community life is a great help to me in living out the three vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. The simplicity of the life of a Sister of the Incarnate Word gives me a sense of peace and contentment. Being a Sister has provided me with many opportunities spiritually, educationally, and socially to grow as a whole person. I am deeply grateful for all that has been given to me.”
~ Sister Elizabeth Ann Sheahan
A native of Cleveland, Sister Margaret Taylor joined our community in 1976 and made first vows in August 1979; perpetual vows followed on April 29, 1984. Sister Margaret’s ministries have included choir director, music and classroom teacher, including teaching grades three to eight at Incarnate Word Academy, and Congregational Leadership. Sister continues to minister at Regina Health Center as the Intercongregational Liaison. Currently, Sister Margaret is serving as the Congregational Leader.
“I would not be at this place now without the loving support of family, community and friends. My life has been filled with much personal and professional success and I thank God for all the blessings I enjoy so abundantly. Being a Sister means I have a special opportunity to bring the presence of God to others by my words and actions. As I receive God’s gifts, so I want to share them with others.”
~ Sister Margaret Taylor
Sister Carol Tobler, the youngest of six children and a native of Cincinnati, Ohio, joined our congregation in 1967, making first vows in 1970 and perpetual vows in 1973. Throughout her religious life, Sister ministered in schools as teacher and administrator, and served on Congregational Leadership as Councilor and Congregational Leader. She currently serves in Leadership as Councilor.
“The desire to give myself more fully to God and others led me to religious life. As a young child, I was always looking for ways to be with and minister with the Sisters. As an eighth grader, I was asked by the Sisters to teach in the PSR program, which I continued through my high school years. It was at this young age that my career as an educator got its start. It was also the beginning of my vocation to religious life. After high school I came to realize my vocation to be a Sister of the Incarnate Word. The Beatitude that I would like my life to most reflect is, blessed are the peacemakers, they will be called children of God,” because when there is true peace within, we allow Jesus to reflect through us.
~ Sister Carol Tobler
One of nine children, Sister Joan of Arc Walsh, along with her sister, Anne, arrived in Cleveland from her native Limerick, Ireland in 1948. She made her first vows in 1951. Sister Joan taught 6th grade at Incarnate Word Academy as well as other schools throughout the diocese of Cleveland, including St. Thomas More, St. Patrick and Assumption. She also served as sacristan for liturgical celebrations for both the Sisters and Incarnate Word Academy. Sister Joan retired in 2006 and today spends her time trying to be the best Incarnate Word Sister through her prayer ministry at Regina Health Center.
“Mother Brendan, a past Superior of the Congregation, influenced me through her wisdom and gentleness. The goodness and compassion of my Sisters helps me to be faithful. The Beatitude I would like to be remembered by would be that of compassion.”
~ Sister Joan of Arc Walsh
6618 Pearl Road Parma Heights, Ohio 44130-3808 | Ph: 440.886.6440
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