We must have a heart larger than all the seas of the world, even more immense than all creation, because it is for You (Writings of Jeanne Chézard de Matel, Vol. 1, No. 4, p. 116).
Jeanne’s longing for intimacy with God overflowed into action, for she felt sent to preach the Gospel of Love to all creatures. She wrote, “The real proof of love is action” (Treatise on the Interpretation of the Song of Songs, p. 53). As soon as she and her two companions came together in community, they began to proclaim God’s love by taking in youth as boarders and day students. Jeanne told her Sisters that they are called to be evangelizers, messengers of the grace of God, as were the Samaritan woman, Mary Magdalene and the other women disciples (Jeanne Chézard de Matel and the Sisters of the Incarnate Word, John Lozano, CMF, p. 67).
For us, Christian education, or evangelization, in its multiple forms is the principal means of teaching others about the Incarnate Word and of fostering vocations to the religious life. We also have a commitment to prayer and sacrifice for the conversion of sinners and the unity of the Church (Charter of Communion of the Order of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament, #9).
Following in the footsteps of Jeanne, the Sisters of the Incarnate Word bring Christ to the world through a variety of ministries that contribute to our mission of adoring and proclaiming the Word-Made-Flesh. Jeanne herself was foundress, mystic, teacher, spiritual guide, and writer. Today, in fidelity to our mission, we respond to the needs of the people whom we serve in many parts of the world, such as the United States, Mexico, Spain, Cuba, Central and South America and East Africa.
“How can I thank you for the care and trouble that your goodness provides for me?
I ask God to give me the opportunity to thank you and to pour out gifts upon you
and on all those who are dear to you.”
~ Jeanne Chézard de Matel
Spiritual direction is a journey of discovery. It is a relationship in which one person, the spiritual director or companion, accompanies another in the search for a deeper relationship with God.
And, as a contemplative community, spiritual direction is a contemplative practice of helping another person awaken to the mystery of God in all of life and to respond to that discovery in a growing relationship.
Many times, pilgrims come to our door with questions-what is their place in the world? How can they understand what God seeks of them? Who is God? They are seeking direction in their lives. They have a feeling there must be “something more” than what they’re currently experiencing.
As Sisters of the Incarnate Word, we accompany people on a spiritual journey as they grow closer to God and seek to experience a deeper relationship with God. Spiritual direction helps us learn how to live in peace, with compassion, promoting justice as His humble servants.
Jesus said that “where two or more are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst.”
The focus of spiritual direction includes:
have received training in spiritual direction, and they continue their education with ongoing study, spiritual growth, and prayer. They devote six to eight hours each month to this ministry.
Each spiritual director listens attentively, affirms the presence of God in the directee’s life, and helps interpret the directee’s experience in the light of faith. The director may at times challenge the directee gently and make suggestions for spiritual growth.